User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CUMMINS' * USA: A new truck

Apr 11, 2016

CUMMINS' * USA: A new truck

* Indiana - Cummins to build plug-in hybrid Class 6 truck

-- Cummins says it has been awarded a $4.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a Class 6 commercial plug-in hybrid electric vehicle... The truck must reduce fuel consumption by at least 50% compared to conventional Class 6 vehicles. Cummins is partnering with Paccar on the project as well as representatives from Ohio State University, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory, a Cummins statement said... Cummins researchers will choose the best engine for use as a range extender integrated with the electrified powertrain... Cummins intends to achieve fuel savings that will meet or exceed expectations in a wide range of drive cycles in order to meet a variety of fleet needs. In addition to the electrification of the powertrain, Cummins will also optimize the internal combustion engine and use other technologies such as intelligent transportation systems and electronic braking...
Columbus, IND, USA - TruckingInfo - April 7, 2016

* North Caroline -  'Near-Zero NOx' Natural Gas Engine from Cummins Westport is on the way

... Natural gas engine developer Cummins Westport Inc. told that its 8.9-liter “near-zero NOx” engine, previously scheduled for launch at the end of the year, is finishing its field test phase and the company will start taking orders this month. Cummins Westport is a joint venture of diesel engine giant Cummins Inc. and natural gas engine developer Westport... The engine slashes emissions of nitrogen oxide, or NOx, a smog- and ozone-causing product of fuel combustion that is particularly difficult to eradicate... Put another way, converting all 2,200 transit buses in a city the size of Los Angeles to the new engine would result “in the total NOx emissions from the entire fleet being the equivalent of what was emitted by just two buses in 1985” ... The Cummins Westport natural gas engine — called the ISL G NZ (near zero) — is aimed at helping trucking companies meet regulations set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency clean-air standard that phases in from 2023 through 2031... 
(Photo: Cummins - Engine production at the at Cummins Rocky Mount Engine Plant in Whitakers, NC) -- Whitakers, NC, USA - Forbes, by John O’Dell - April 11, 2016

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