User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING REGULATIONS * USA: The Midwest Truckers Association wants nation standard for truck length

Feb 17, 2016

TRUCKING REGULATIONS * USA: The Midwest Truckers Association wants nation standard for truck length

* Illinois - Trucking Industry wants uniform standards for all roads

-- Trucking officials in Illinois say the state is being hurt by having various truck length regulations that tend to inhibit the ability to efficiently move goods... Don Shaeffer of the Midwest Truckers Association says on major highways trucks are allowed to observe nation standard for truck length, but get off the state roads and interstate highways the length limit drops to 55 feet... For farmers, most livestock and grain trailer are designed to national standards, meaning the exceed the 55 foot limit. Shaeffer says it will take a legislative change in Springfield to make all areas of the state accessible to legal length trucks... Trucks often have to stop, and switch loads from longer trucks to shorter legal trucks to gain access to off highway businesses, raising the cost of shipping and delaying delivery... 
(Photo: A livestock truck in Illinois) -- Salem, ILL, USA - WJBD Radio - 15 Feb 2016



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