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Apr 6, 2013

* UK - THE TRAILER precisely follows the path of the fifth wheel

* UK -  World-first boosts longer semi-trailers’ safety and manoeuvrability

Cambridge,UK -Transport Engineer -22 March 2013: -- A world-first engineering innovation, designed to improve the safety and manoeuvrability of longer semi-trailers on UK roads, is set to be unveiled at the CV Show (9—11 April, NEC) on SDC's stand 5G121... The Path Following Steering System, which allows trailers to accurately follow the trajectory of the tractor unit – so reducing tail-swing and cut-in – was developed by the Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium (CVDC)... The system incorporates light-weight electro-hydraulic actuators that control the steering of each axle on the semi-trailer. A computer monitors data from sensors on the vehicle and controls the actuators so that the trailer precisely follows the path of the fifth wheel...

* Germany - Schmitz Cargobull axle production exceeds 400,000 

(Photo: Schmitz Cargobull's trailer axles production) 
North Rhine,Westphalia,Germany -Transport Engineer -5 April 2013: -- Eight years on from the launch of Schmitz Cargobull's own trailer axles – part of its ROTOS running gear – the company says that more than 400,000 have now been manufactured and built into its trailer production... Schmitz Cargobull head of production, Olaf Schütte, believes the numbers speak volumes about the maintenance and uptime benefits of the firm's trailer running gear... He also points to the axles' reputation for perfect tracking and suspension comfort, combined with the safety features offered by its driving stability and braking programmes...



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