User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Saving Diesel * USA - Owners of trucking fleets back off speed to

Aug 8, 2008

Saving Diesel * USA - Owners of trucking fleets back off speed to

If you think you have it bad paying almost $4 a gallon for gasoline, then consider your local truck drivers

Louisville,KY,USA -The Business First of Louisville, by Kevin Eigelbach -August 7, 2008: -- ... According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average U.S. price for diesel fuel on Monday was $4.60 a gallon, which is $1.71 cents more than diesel cost a year ago... “It’s ridiculous. I don’t know where it will all end,” said Jerry Franconia, owner of Dixie Haulers Inc. in Louisville, a fleet of 11 dump trucks. Fuel costs, previously a negligible part of expenses, now account for about 40 percent of them... He tells his drivers not to rev their engines as high before shifting and asks them not to let them idle... “Some listen, and some don’t,” he said. “When they lose their jobs, they’ll care, I guess”...

* Conserving by slowing: The price for diesel has trucking company managers every­where finding ways to keep their fleets from burning so much fuel, including cutting back on speed...

* Conserving by stopping: Another way to save fuel is not to leave the rig running at night, which truckers who sleep in their cabs do so they can run their air conditioners...

* Conserving with technology: The company also is testing hydrogen boosters from Novi, Mich.-based Hydrogen Fuel Systems Inc., which inject hydrogen gas into a truck engine to promote a more complete burn... (Photo by John Simpson/Business First - M&M Cartage mechanic Clyde Brittingham uses a laptop computer to access a truck’s electronic control modules and adjust settings such as the computer’s speed controllers)



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