FRAGILE HISTORICAL LOAD * USA - Welcome home, cobblestone
Irondequoit, N.Y. - MPN Now (Rochester,NY)/Irondequoit Post, by Linda Quinlan -July 15, 2008: -- It took far longer than the around four hours that had been anticipated, but Irondequoit’s oldest building, a cobblestone structure that was once a blacksmith shop, finally arrived on Town Hall property about 3:30 p.m. Monday... The oldest building in Irondequoit, a cobblestone blacksmith shop built in the 1830's, was moved across town from the Ridge/Culver intersection to the town hall grounds on Titus Ave. The trip, witnessed by a few hundred residents, took nearly six and a half hours to complete... The Irondequoit Historical Society will be raising funds to finish restoring the blacksmith shop at its new home. Donations – even $1 a person – are welcome. Contact Town Historian Pat Wayne in care of Town Hall, 1280 Titus Ave... (Video from YouTube, by messengerpost -July 15, 2008: "Cobblestone building on the move" - Irondequoit, New York's oldest building is relocated to a permanent new home on the Town Hall grounds)
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