User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: HYBRID TRUCKS *USA - Hydraulic hybrid truck tested by courier trio

May 22, 2008

HYBRID TRUCKS *USA - Hydraulic hybrid truck tested by courier trio

Washington,DC,USA -Today's Trucking -22 May 2008: -- A government-corporate partnership led by Calstart's Hybrid Truck Users Forum has selected Hybra-Drive Systems LLC to build three Class 6 trucks for real-world testing by UPS, FedEx Ground and Canada's Purolator... Hybra-Drive hopes the evaluations will demonstrate up to a 60 percent cut in fuel use along with an accompanying reduction in emissions.In a hydraulic hybrid truck, a high-efficiency diesel engine is combined with a unique hydraulic propulsion system, replacing the conventional drivetrain and transmission... The vehicle uses hydraulic pumps and hydraulic storage tanks to store energy, similar to what is done with electric motors and batteries in hybrid electric vehicles. Fuel economy is increased in three ways: vehicle braking energy is recovered that normally is wasted; the engine is operated more efficiently; and the engine can be shut off when stopped or decelerating...



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