User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: OPINION: CLEAN AIR * USA - Port clean-up bound for courts?

Mar 21, 2008

OPINION: CLEAN AIR * USA - Port clean-up bound for courts?

L.A.'s plan to address truck pollution will attract lawsuits. The port should work with Long Beach to come up with a compromise proposal

Los Angeles,CA,USA -The Los Angeles Times -March 20, 2008: -- In a perfect world, the truck plan being considered today by commissioners at the Port of Los Angeles would be a good solution to the deadly problem of diesel pollution. In the real world of lawsuits and endless court proceedings, it would stall progress on cleaning the air indefinitely... Sometimes it's better to pass a legally questionable reform and fight it out in court than to back down amid lawsuit threats from opponents. This isn't one of those times. The Los Angeles plan has some advantages over Long Beach's, but they are neither so conclusive nor so meaningful that they're worth treading into a legal morass. Port pollution is responsible for an estimated 1,200 deaths a year in Southern California; people will die while lawyers argue... The split between the ports represents a tragic failure by port officials, politicians, trucking interests, community activists and environmentalists to reach a compromise that might have avoided such deadly delays. There is still a chance to speed the cleanup: The L.A. Harbor Commission should reject its staff's recommendation on the employee-trucker strategy and work with Long Beach toward a solution both ports can accept... (Video from YouTube, by kerrsydotes -September 16, 2006: "Los Angeles Tourism Video-Must See if moving here " - Whilest on a 30 or so mile bike ride Monday September 11, 2006, I arrived at the top of Topanga Canyon where I stopped to enjoy the "Wonderful View" of San Fernando Valley. I was looking for my apartment building but had a tough time seeing through the brown, acrid smog. Please consider this video testament to the air quality before you make the move to LA.)



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