User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STORY * India - There are around 2,000 houses in the village and almost 1,200 trucks

Mar 16, 2007

STORY * India - There are around 2,000 houses in the village and almost 1,200 trucks

Kutch village turns its trucks from bane to boon
Ratnal,Kutch,India -Daily News & Analysis (Mumbai,India), by Anshuman G Dutta -March 15, 2007: -- In the ‘90s, Ratnal village in Kutch was known as a village of widows. Every house in the village had a truck and a widow, with each family losing one member — in most cases, the breadwinner — to accidents... Now, things have taken a turn for the better and the village is on the road to prosperity. The change is a result of the adaptability and tenacity of the residents. Ratnal has shed its infamous tag and is now known only as the hub of the trucking industry. “The village witnessed tragedies because most truck owners did not have experience yet drove the vehicles themselves. Or, they hired untrained village youngsters,” says former gram panchayat member, Bhurabhai Ahir. The bad roads of Kutch contributed to the problem...



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