Jobs - USA - For-hire trucking shows dip in
"Trucking has had significant employment growth in 2006, adding more jobs than manufacturing"...
USA -eTrucker, by Jill Dunn -9 Sept 2006: -- The for-hire trucking industry decreased employee payrolls for the first time in a year, the American Trucking Associations reported, but a spokesman warned against interpreting a one-month change as a trend... The industry reduced August payrolls by 2,600, according to the Sept. 1 ATA Weekly Economic Recap. This was the largest tightening since payrolls fell by 10,000 in April 2003... But Bob Costello, the association’s chief economist, said that trucking has added 19,000 more employees to the payroll this year. Trucking has had significant employment growth in 2006, adding more jobs than manufacturing, he said...
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