User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Take Note - USA - Additives at issue during ULSD changeover

Jun 23, 2006

Take Note - USA - Additives at issue during ULSD changeover

USA -Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr -Jun 22, 2006: -- Fleets and independents take note: experts warn that the impending switch to ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) this fall will require you to more closely monitor how the fuel behaves in your tank, as well as any fuel additives you use today... Refineries used to compensate for diesel’s tendency to “gel” at low temperatures by diluting it with between 25% and 50% kerosene, especially in the winter. Since kerosene is heavy in sulfur content, new low-sulfur kerosene blends are needed. The same is true for additives fleets buy to improve diesel’s cold flow performance while beefing up lubricity and anti-wear protection...


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