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May 8, 2006

Fuel Costs - USA - Squeeze cargo haulers

Contractors often lack power to apply surcharges

GRANITE CITY, ILL.,USA - Houston Chronicle/Associated Press, by JIM SUHR -May 6, 2006: -- As an independent trucker always vigilant about his razor-thin bottom line, Glen Eicher doesn't enjoy the leverage bigger haulers have in making up their soaring fuel costs through surcharges... So with his payout for diesel fuel up about one-third over the past year, the driver from Michigan must be creative in making ends meet and milking fuel economy: He obsesses about tire pressure, religiously rotates his tires and doesn't speed. He scours the Web for bargains on petrol... Once prone to fill his tank when it was empty, Eicher now just gets splashes of diesel where it's cheapest... (AP/JAMES A. FINLEY: Independent haulers are struggling to find ways to recoup high fuel costs)


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