User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Jobs - USA - Five of the most unpopular jobs

Feb 9, 2006

Jobs - USA - Five of the most unpopular jobs

Truck driver ...
USA -CNN/, by Laura Morsch -Feb 8, 2006: -- Is there a severe labor shortage looming for the United States? It depends whom you ask... The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a labor force of 162.3 million people by 2012. At the same time, the BLS predicts that the 2012 economy will require 165.3 million jobs to be filled... Michael W. Horrigan in the February 2004 issue of the BLS' Monthly Labor Review, wrote that there will not be a generalized shortage, certain jobs will experience a shortage of qualified workers. Here are five that are expected to be hit particularly hard:... Truck driver ... Getting those eBay packages delivered might take longer by 2014. A report prepared for the American Trucking Associations by Global Insight, Inc. warns there is already a shortage of about 20,000 long-haul heavy-duty truck drivers. By 2014, the deficit is expected to reach 111,000... The report blames slipping wages for the shortage. Trucking wages fell sharply with the onset of the recession in 2000 and have yet to recover. According to the BLS, the median salary for heavy or tractor-trailer truck drivers is $33,870...


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