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Feb 15, 2006


* Will There Be A Detroit Tomorrow?
USA -Forbes, by Jerry Flint -14 Feb 2006: -- The U.S. auto industry has been much in the news lately, but the focus has been on layoffs, plant closings and financial woes. Yet it is wrong to paint the domestic manufacturers with the same brush... Let's start with American Chrysler. Yes, it's owned by German DaimlerChrysler, but it's still Detroit. The way that I see it, Chrysler is a lean, mean fighting machine that is profitable and fairing better than the Mercedes-Benz unit. Chrysler is even picking up a bit of market share. Even so, Toyota Motor is growing faster and could outsell Chrysler this year... What is likely to evolve over time is a U.S. industry that looks more like Europe, which is five or six big companies rather than a big three, with GM, Toyota, Ford, Chrysler, Honda Motor and Nissan each holding as much as 18% to as little as 7% of the U.S. market. For that to happen, first GM and Ford must survive the cost of getting smaller...

* You've Got Mail, Mr. Kerkorian - There are easier ways to make money...
USA -Forbes, by Martin T. Sosnoff -2 March 2006: -- I'm just a hard-working money manager who tries to stay abreast of what's going on. Frankly, I think you're throwing good money after bad, reraising your stake in General Motors to 9.9% after taking a tax loss in December... Since 2002, Rick Wagoner has been promising a turnaround at GM. Now it's pushed to 2007--maybe 2008. Quien sabe? ... I hope that I'm dead wrong, that GM is the comeback story of the decade, and that you live happily ever after. If you can get one clear message to management, tell them to end their insanity of paying out $1 billion annually in dividends to shareholders who surely don't want this money while GM is bleeding profusely... Maybe you will out-Buffett Warren, who construed hidden value in Coca-Cola, Gillette, and American Express, long before anyone else. But these marketing giants needed little in fixed assets to operate. And they never employed hundreds of thousands... There are easier ways to make money...


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