User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Opinion - USA - Economic malaise aside, we can't count Michigan out

Dec 10, 2005

Opinion - USA - Economic malaise aside, we can't count Michigan out

What if the headlines don't tell the whole story?
Detroit,Mich,USA -DetNews, by Daniel Howes -Dec 10, 2005: -- They say: Delphi Corp. is bankrupt and demanding unprecedented concessions from the United Auto Workers. A strike is likely... General Motors Corp. plans to cut 30,000 jobs and close 12 facilities. Ford Motor Co. is mulling whether to cut its own hourly workforce by 30,000, close at least 10 plants... And we conclude: Michigan's economy is a mess, even if most of those job cuts will either: a) come from retirements or b) take place far from the state lines or c) improve the competitiveness of the companies and state economy or d) all three... And we conclude: Michigan's economic malaise is pre-ordained. Why? Because Detroit's automakers allegedly define the state and regional economy as much as they did a generation ago, and because Michigan's leaders in Lansing couldn't pass a business tax reform package if the state's future depended on it...


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