Advices - USA - Preventative Hijacking Procedures
USA - Layover, by Chett Winchell -6 Oct 2005: -- Company emergency procedures do not mean much when they've only been talked about. If in a building, you know that a police department, fire rescue or S.W.A.T team will arrive shortly. What about in your rig. Then what?... There are so many possibilities and scenarios that can be role played to death. The bottom line is this, what can you do to protect yourself in the transportation world of trucking to keep from being hijacked?... The following are a few suggestions to think about to protect your life and load:
- Ensure that your load is properly secured.
- If routed by your company, stay on that routing.
- Make the required check calls to your company, receiver or shipper.
- Never discuss what your load is over the CB radio or to enquiring strangers.
- Always park in well sighted locations.
- Others follow.....
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