User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ECOLOGY - UK - Royal Society Calls for Carbon Tax

May 24, 2005

ECOLOGY - UK - Royal Society Calls for Carbon Tax

London, UK -Green Congress Car/USA -May 22, 2005: -- The Royal Society —the UK’s national academy of science— is calling for the government to implement a carbon tax on all emissions of carbon dioxide from all sectors including industrial, domestic and transport in light of the failure of current policy to reduce CO2 emissions... There are some tough political decisions to be made, in this parliament, about how the UK manages its seemingly insatiable appetite for energy at a time when cutting emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide is imperative. This is underlined by the fact that, at the current rate, even the Governments revised assessment of how much carbon dioxide the UK will cut is frankly unrealistic...


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